Belgians In Greece

April 09, 2009 @ 8:43 AM

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This little plaza is right in the center of Athens. The number of riot police around has greatly reduced the number of junkies in the scenery- this plaza is mostly inhabited by homeless people in cardboard boxes. They’re decent people. At one point the cops showed up and started giving them shit for no real reason. They didn’t mind Phil skating the blocks, until Tshala turned the camera on them. They went apeshit. To make matters worse, Tshala said he didn’t film anything. Not a good idea. The cops insulted him for about 10 minutes and made him erase the clip with them on it. In the end, Tshala got off with nothing more than a bit of verbal assault hurled his way. Malakas.

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Thanos can skate rails. He has no fear. We spent about an hour on this rail, Giannis tried everything he could think of. Thanos filmed it all. Then, when everyone started putting their stuff away, Thanos jumped on the rail out of nowhere and did a 5050 to lip slide first try. Phil was lucky to still have his camera in his hand and haphazardly pointed it his way and got it. I didn’t. Instead, I got this 5050 warm up after the real trick. Sorry Thanos. But next time you want to go nuts on a handrail, maybe let someone know, so they can document it? Unless if you don’t really care, which is also cool.

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Similar thing happened on this rail. Well, Phil was going for something which didn’t work out, did a boardslide, then changed into something else, which I didn’t shoot. I told him I was on the wrong side for his trick. I said it was too dark for a sequence. Really, it was. Thanos filmed his trick though, so I’m sure it’ll pop up somewhere at some point. Until then, all I can give you is this boardslide.