Continental Caravan

December 16, 2009 @ 9:06 AM

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Guru Khalsa, nollie bs noseblunt fakie

I think the first time we skated this plaza Guru said something to the effect of immediately relocating to Berlin. It’s that much fun. I bet it helps to have fun if you can nollie backside noseblunt to fakie like this as well. In fact it seemed to me that Guru would have fun anywhere in the world, skating like he does, with a smile on his face.
Ph: Deeli

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This was the Habitat team’s home away from home for 17 days: The petrol station. Away from the other home, the RV, parked 2 meters away, next to an autobahn somewhere. Luckily, the German petrol stations are better stocked for beer and coffee than super markets in most other countries.
Ph: Deeli

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Manuel Magreiter, blindside flip

Many Margreiter has grown up a lot since I first met him. And his skating skills have refined too, in many ways. But the board knows no law. Minutes after landing this perfectly floated blindside flip to fakie on the strange gap many have battled for nothing, he started to film a line on another part of the spot. This is when his board decided she had enough, and on some basic bail, it just bumped off the ground to hit him in a ball. I didn’t dare to ask him which. As you know, when things like this happen, an awkward silence always happen for a little bit. But don’t worry, Manu was soon back on his legs, hopping along Silas toward the RV and its shelter.
Ph: Benjamin

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Guru lost his iPod on the first day of the trip. Or someone lost it for him, depends on who you ask. If you ask me, though, that’s like doing yourself a favour. You can hear your friends talking again. You can hear the sound of your wheels rolling and your trucks grinding. There’s a whole world out there outside your headphones, and it’s filled with sounds one sweeter that the next. Guru didn’t see it that way though. He kept asking everyone “Wherethefuckismyipod, wherethefuckismyipod, wherethefuckismyipod…”
Ph: Deeli