October 23, 2008 @ 4:00 AM
That motivates you to roam around?
Clearly. When Chandelle still lived here, we would get motivated and get on the road. Even now, we go to Barcelona or other places around.
How far are you guys away from Barca?
Three hours and a half, it’s not far. Then, we got Lyon close enough. For that Montpellier is perfect, it’s pretty central to a lot of places.
Rare skateboards was your first sponsor?
No, I was on Cartel for a bit, then I got on Rare. It was cool skating with the whole crew. I really liked them, but there wasn’t that many opportunities to travel, so…
What about the rest of your summer?
I’d like to go far way, like Australia, or go back to China. Joseph [Biais- Ed] is motivated too, so I might travel with him.
Tell us how you ended up going to China!
[laughter] Ah, that was a crazy one! In fact, Décathlon [a big French sports stores chain, NR] wanted to do a promo video for their stores, so they were looking for a filmer. I heard about it and send them my work. By then they already found a filmer, but ask me about a rider to take along. So, off I went with them!
And once there?
I was skating everyday! We spent two days at the biggest skatepark in the world, which was the reason we went to Shanghai, then off in the streets. I was supposed to wear a helmet at all times, and I manage to not wear it once! [laughter] It was perfect! It’s all marble spots nobody has ever skated, I’d love to go back! Plus, people are really cool. I didn’t get a chance to visit the country, I’d like to!
Out of all your trips, which were the most interesting?
I hated Sweden! [laughter] I went to the Reunion Island, three four years ago. Perfect. Not so many spots, but the nature is insane. The water falls! We were there for a demo. They paid for you whole trip, and we ended up having to skate for 30mn! Apart from that, it’s mostly Barcelona short trips, cause it’s so close…
What do you see yourself doing after your final year?
The thing is I have no idea, yet. Either I take one year to fully skate, or I get into another school. Hat I’d like to do is find a video project to work on, a job that leaves me time to skate. An interesting project, first of all.
Ph: Sharp
You’ve already had “skate only” times?
Two years. When I graduated, I started an Economy university, and right way I realized it wasn’t for me. I just stopped and only skated. I was working to get by… Then, I thought “I need to do something!”. Skating only is great, but look, now I’m at university again, and I’m skating just as much. While doing something seriously all along…
Isn’t it motivating you, actually?
Yeah, it’s cool, you can do other things. You meet other people, it’s better than just staying “inside” skateboarding.
What are you looking for into your future trips?
I’d love Australia cause I’ve never been there, and apparently it’s amazing for skating! Apart from that, and not to skate, I’d love to see New Zealand. The landscapes and all… China, I’m into it, but might as well go to a place you’ve never been to. We’ll see! Last minute, as always! [laughter] Like now, we were about to drive to Barcelona, but it rained. We were supposed to go there gypsy style, sleeping out and taking showers at the beach! [laughter]
You do that often? Sleeping in the streets there is pretty sketchy!
Yeah, but you just drive into the countryside and plant your tents!
Doesn’t that “spontaneous” skater side, that we all have more or less, sometimes clash with the super organized world of cinema making?
No, not really. I can manage. When I have things to do, I skate less. Now, we’ve got all those projects to give back, so I’m working like a madman. We just finished a montage on an environmental subject, I must have spent a good 50 hours on it. For me, exams on theories are more difficult! [laughter] When things interest me, I can spend a lot of time on it.
You’re more into practice than theory…
Now, when you see a movie, do you analyze everything, or just enjoy it for what it is?
No, no, I enjoy the movie! We got some film critics, but I’m really not into it. The teacher will be “So, this was filmed this way to show this aspect of things”, but it’s pushed to point where it doesn’t even make sense anymore. Like if every frame had been though over for five hours. It’s going too far… Once, this one girl wrote a two pages essay of a criticism to explain the heads had been cut out to say this and show that, where in the end, they realized the film was in 4:3 and got shown in 16:9. That was why all the heads got cut! [laughter]
Too much theory!
Yeah, it’s a shame. That’s why I try to do my things on my own. I don’t really like having to deal with others constraints. Now, we have this very last thing to get done, and we’re seven working on it. For everything people got different points of view. It’s a bit annoying! They want to do one thing, and you know it’s not going to work, but you don’t want to tell them… You have to make compromises.
Well, cinema is a bit of a teamwork, isn’t it?
It’s true, but I like to work on my own! [laughter]