Down with all boros!

June 16, 2008 @ 2:18 PM - by Benjamin

Just back from a quick, but action packed, stint in New York in order to sample what’s been going on this side on the water, lately. As you would expect, a lot…
Sorry, no boutiques reviews here, or neck tattoos updates. We were more into checking out rooftop skateparks (!!?) or getting our sweaty asses eaten alive by Brooklyn’s back alleys mosquitoes. Skate stuff, I mean.
And for that, what better guides than the 5Boro homies? Always on the move, those guys do skate the whole city and know their fair share of hidden gems.
Meet here Willy Akers
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and Dan Pensyl!
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To tell you the truth, that day, the winner was…
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…the jersey barrier!
On another day, we met with Danny Falla…
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…teaming up with TM/buddy extraordinaire, Tom Colabraro!
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So, yeah, good times!
And more in the mag, soon, I hope!

P.S: Oh, by the way, if you were wondering how massive Pensyl actually is, this is him next to a “regular sized” human being, ehrm, me!
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Hahahahahaha!!! MegaLOL, kid!!!