June 07, 2009 @ 11:20 AM
KP65-Interview: Love Eneroth
Interviewed by Deeli
Front page kickflip shot by Nils Svensson
Loving it. Ph: Deeli
Love will tear you apart. Love’s physiotherapist told me he never treated a stronger body than little Eneroth’s.
Love will tear Love apart. Love seems too strong for his own body and thus gets injured on the makes instead of the slams.
Love will tear you a video part. When in production mode, “Wheelie Wonka” always gets what he has planned for.
Love will tear days apart. When everybody is packed and ready to rip, he starts his 45 minute stretching session.
Love will tear U.S. apart. Well, he would if he could make the flight without contracting at least five muscular disorders.
- Martin Karlsson
Crail. Ph: Sem
How long has it been since you moved back to Sweden?
In April it’ll be three years. I moved back on the first of April, the same day we had the premiere for the Neighbours video.
Was there a specific reason for returning?
Yeah, there was actually! How deep should I go into this…?
You’re on tape, so you decide!
Well, I really liked it in Barcelona, but then I got hurt and didn’t really do much, which was really boring. Basically what I felt after a while was that I just gotta do something, take control of my life. So I just decided that OK, I’m gonna go back. I didn’t know what I wanted to do, but I knew I wanted to learn something, maybe go to school or whatever. And when I did come back that’s when we started talking about doing something like Bellows. I went to school for one semester. I wanted to learn stuff like computers…
When you say computers, you mean programming or…
...no no, more like Illustrator. I’ve always been drawing and stuff like that, but when I got hurt in Spain, that’s when I started to paint, because I didn’t really have anything to do. Then I made those graphics for Antiz that came out a little later and I felt like that was a good thing to do, something that made me feel good. But the thing was that I could put stuff on paper, but I couldn’t do it on a computer, so I wanted to learn that. So I took a course, but actually it wasn’t even the right one! (haha) I wanted to do something short, like an intense course, but I couldn’t find one for Illustrator. Plus I wanted to take a free course. In Sweden, you can take out a loan and study with that, but I already have a loan, so I didn’t want to do that again, so instead of Illustrator, I took a course for InDesign, which was free! (haha) That’s a layout program and the course had some basics in Photoshop, so I thought OK fuck it, I’ll take that. I just wanted to do something, basically, get into a routine.
It kind of sounds like maybe in Spain there was the skating, but being hurt and not having that, there wasn’t that much else for you there?
Yeah, it was like that a bit. I mean I had friends and stuff in Spain, but they were all skating every day. Plus when you’re living in another country, you’re sort of not part of the system or whatever, like if you want to take a course or something. I guess you could, but it just didn’t seem like a good place for me to be right then. And it turned out well, so I’m glad I came back.
Fakie ollie sw nosegrind. Ph: Sem