Love Eneroth Interview

June 07, 2009 @ 11:20 AM

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No comply fakie manual. Se: Deeli

Is Martin an old friend of yours?
Yeah, we’re not from the same town, but I’ve known him for a long time. You know, the skate scene: everyone knows everyone.

But the idea for Bellows wasn’t something that you had been thinking about for years?
Well not years and years, but I was already thinking about it in Spain. I knew I wanted to do something in the skateboarding…thing, you know. But I didn’t know what that would be. Bellows sort of came together from talking to Martin and Johan.

How do you share the responsibilities of running the company?
Well, I’m taking care of the graphics part for example. But I mean I don’t do every series, we’ve had guest artists too. Martin is really good with words and he always has funny ideas for ads, so he does that. I think we compliment each other really good there.

Who does the sales?
It’s none of us actually, because we’re really bad at business side of things. It’s under the Swedish Skate Distribution, so there’s a sales rep there. We get to do all the fun stuff! (haha)

Do you think that going from Antiz to Bellows had any effect on how you look at the skate game?
Nah, I can’t really say that it changed anything. I mean, since it’s your own thing it can get you a little bit more motivated maybe. I don’t know how to explain it, but I mean you want it to do well, so you want to give it all you can. Maybe it has boosted my motivation. For sure it has, actually.

You seem like one of the healthiest men alive. Do you think the injury had anything to do with that?
Not really, no. And I don’t know if I am that healthy really. Am I? I didn’t drink for a while, so I think maybe people have the impression that I’m super healthy because of that, but I enjoy some wine every now and then now. And I really like that actually.

What about all the stretching and that?
That came with the injury for sure. But it’s also more like something that you just have to do when you get a little older, if you wanna keep skating. And I really want to. So it’s important to take care of your body, I guess.

I suppose a lot of people don’t want to admit that.
Yeah probably. Sure. But it’s not even so much just the stretching, it’s the whole exercise thing. My injury was basically caused by not having enough muscles in my back. I’m really thin, so…I wouldn’t say weak, but…(haha)

Oh go on, just say weak!
Haha! Skateboarding is hard on your body sometimes. If you don’t have the muscles for it, you’re going to get hurt. So I’m trying to avoid that. I don’t go to the gym or anything, I just do my exercises at home. The stretching is more so I don’t have to warm up as long!

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Nose manual revert, switch nose manual fakie flip out. Seq: Benjamin

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