Scott ‘Horsey’ Walker’s web interview.

July 02, 2009 @ 11:12 AM

The only thing that seems to bother him is when the party gets boring, which rarely happens when he’s about.. What a good chap.

Here’s five minutes with Death skateboard’s ‘Horsey’..

Date of Birth: 3rd November 1984

Place of Birth: Cambridge

Skating Since: 2001

Current Residence: Harrow, House of Doom 3

Sponsors: Death, Motel 6 Skateshop, Teenage Runaway wheels, Brimley sunglasses and Supra flow

I can’t get enough… of your love

I feel pressure when… I’m out trying to film/shoot photos and I suck

Life is hard… if you’re a mug

Life is good… for sure. Could be way worse

When times are tight, I get on ebay and try and make some money

The reason I hate… money is because it rules your life

The reason I is cause you can buy rad things like bagels and plane tickets out of England

The greatest moment of my still to come hopefully

My ultimate motivation is...written on my wrist. ‘get busy living’

My biggest fear is… 9-5

When the working day is done... I congratulate myself on not having a job

Before I die I want to. LIVE

Scott Horsey Walker front shove it skateboarding

Front shuv in Paris, photo by Troy West

Scott Horsey Walker skateboarding 180 temple london

Fs 180 in Temple, London, photo by Rob Shaw

Scott Horsey Walker boardslide harlow

Boardslide Harlow town, photo by Rob Shaw

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