WeSC Skate Camp Wraps Up

August 01, 2008 @ 7:59 AM

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9am - breakfast
10am - skate
1pm - lunch
2pm - skate
6pm - dinner
7pm - skate
12 midnight - sleep

That’s how a day looks like at the skate camp in Sweden’s Linköping. And it’s the last day for the kids at the camp today. It’s really a pretty sweet set up. 100 kids sleeping in the gym next to a concrete park for a week with nothing to do but skate, play pool and ping pong and eat the three meals a day that are included in the deal. This year’s pro attendants included Ray Barbee, Wieger Van Vageningen, Clint Peterson, Tony Manfre, Mark Baines, Cooper Wilt, Love Eneroth, Ben Norberg, Danijel Todorovic and guests Lewis Marnell, Kristian Bomholt and Jerry Svensson. Mika Edin visited for a day, but had to leave camp because of a hip problem after a terrible slam into a concrete sausage. According to the x-ray, the hip isn’t broken, but it turns out that Mika’s legs are different lengths, which makes his hips hang crooked and puts pressure on his back. What a freak.

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Cooper Wilt front salad bs 180

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Wieger Van Vageningen full cab

Christian Bomholt dropped by. He’s a ping pong champ. As is Jerry Svensson, the un-beat Swedish miniramp master. Last week, Linköping broke the heat record with the hottest day logged, ever, at 33 I believe. There’s a little river running through the town, and it saw a lot of swimming. We saw a lot of tanned skin. Clint saw more of it than most, and definitely from closer up.

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Tony Manfre fs flip

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Clint Peterson fs 180

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Ben Norberg bs flip fakie nosegrind revert

Thanks to WeSC for inviting us. Check some real photos and proper words to complement this blog rubbish in a future issue of Kingpin.

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