Love Eneroth Interview

June 07, 2009 @ 11:20 AM

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Backside Ollie. Ph: Deeli

When you were hurt, what was it?
I had a back injury a few years ago, which caused…it took like six months to recover from it, when if I’d gotten the right help straight away it would have been fixed like that! [snaps his fingers] That’s what happened when I got back to Stockholm. Basically there are all these different muscles in your back, and my injury made me start using the wrong muscles for certain movements. So even though I felt like I was getting better, every other month or so the problem would come back again.  But then this physiotherapist told me what the problem was and showed me what exercises to do to get better and it’s fine now.

How did you get injured in the first place?
We went to Italy, to Sardignia, on this Neighbours trip and it was really cold. The house had no insulation and we didn’t have warm water, so it was really hard to get warm. In the day it was fine when the sun was out, but as soon as it went out it got cold again. We’d skate all day and you’d be sweating and then it was freezing at night. So one day something just clicked in my back and that was pretty much it. Like I just pulled a muscle in my back and it never went away, it got inflamed or something. The chiropractors in Spain kept telling me One week and it’ll be fine, next week it’ll all be good, and I believed it. But it was just so many weeks. I suppose if I had gone to a proper physiotherapy it would have been good pretty fast, but I couldn’t find one.

Seems like that one injury changed quite a lot of things for you.
Yeah a little bit.

I mean it was sort of behind you moving back to Sweden, which started a lot of things.
Yeah, I guess.

Do you think it changed the way you skate at all?
It did for a while. I mean in the beginning when I started skating again I was really scared that it would come back again. Now I feel good again, but yeah, it effected me at the time.

Around that time you started Bellows as well, right? How did that happen?
I don’t know I mean I just felt like I wanted to be more involved. Everything was good with Antiz, there was no problem there or anything. Maybe it was just about having a creative outlet, I guess you could say. Something to do. So I started talking to Martin [Karlsson] and Johann [Florell] to see what they were thinking and if we’re all sort of on the same page and then we just thought fuck it, let’s do something. And we just did it. (haha)

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Blunt slide to gap to sw manual. Seq: Deeli

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