March 12, 2008 @ 1:49 PM
Photo by Benjamin Deberdt
Interview by Maria Bernal
Tell us about your skate beginnings
My parents lived (and still do), close to the Retiro Park (Madrid) and I started watching some guys skating, like Esteban Velarde. Well, most of them still skate. Someone also showed me a skate video; it was Public Domain, a Powell video. This was in the 80’s. I started liking it and bought a skateboard. My brother Alfon also bought one and so we started together. Well, he started a week before me, because he was faster buying a board. And well, up to this day we have been both skating.
Most skate families consist of two brothers, but in your family all three brothers skate. Which of you three started first?
It was Alfon, because he bought his board one week before I did. My little brother started later, like 6 years after we did.
Did all three brothers progress in a similar way?
I think my little brother caught more attention, because he progressed faster than we did.
Do you have a favorite skateboarder?
Guy Mariano. I admire the way he thinks about skateboarding, how he is always innovating. There are maybe other skateboarders who do more tricks, but for me this is not the only thing that matters. I don’t know, it is Guys way of thinking that I like, never repeating any tricks, but just innovating.