Like, damn!!!

July 06, 2008 @ 12:27 PM - by Benjamin

When we received a mail with this attached:
-------alt text here--------
and the following text: “Hello, hello, after 12 days of hospital, 2 surgeries and 1 meter of missing small and large bowel I’m back at my girlfriend’s house and looking forward to take a shit without pain…”; we got worried Tom Derichs might have been stabbed with a chainsaw or something. When we contacted him to find out, here’s what he told us:
“Three four weeks ago I got crazy bellyache and went to the hospital to see what’s up, they just told me I had a little infection and gave me something for the pain and told me to drink tea. Over the week, I went to different doctors and everybody told me some different shit, like kidney stones, or whatever… At one point it got so crazy that I collapsed and went straight to hospital and had emergency operation… My appendix was already not existing anymore and parts of my big bowel and small bowel where missing too.
And the rest is history… Fucking doctors. I’m happy I was in Germany at that time. I lost 15 kilos and won’t be able to do any sportive activities for the next three months. But I can eat again now and that is already a pretty good feeling.”
Well, Tom, we wish you all happy bowels movements from now on and see you soon on those mean streets!
Oh, and you guys stay tuned for more Derichs — on board this time!

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