Danny Wainwright’s Here and Now

May 02, 2008 @ 10:08 AM

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Hi Danny, what are you up to?
Just been at Workshop to see the kid who works there and gonna go round to Borders now, get a coffee while Pearly hangs around and looks at books. There’s a big kids’ section there.

How old’s Pearl now?
Little Pearly’s a year and a half, so she’s running around and talking a lot, Maggie’s three and a half and she’s at nursery today. So yeah, dad duties today.

Do you still do shows at the Workshop?
We’ve got a show on every month, the current show’s a guy called Matt Sewell.

What was the last art piece you sold from there?
The last thing I sold was one of the Matt Sewell paintings. It was a small little house shaped piece of wood.

What sort of person bought it?
It was a friend of my girlfriend’s actually, and it was a painting of a tree. But we get all kinds of people coming in and we sell a lot of prints and other artworks. We get all types you know, we get the general sort of wankers phoning up for Banksy prints—they only know of him cause they read it in the Guardian, you know—so plenty of Guardian- reading- Banksy- wanting- people, and if we do get [Banksy’s] stuff in, it just flies out straight away. But we get all kinds of people, friends, business people, people off the street, depends on the exhibition, really.

I know it’ll be a while before this sees print, but it’s New Year now, so you make any New Year resolutions?
I did. I’ve been getting into my bike a lot recently, a fixie, so my New Year resolution is to ride that more, do more long distance rides to keep fit. I want to do like 20-30 mile rides.

Is that because you ate too much over Christmas?
That’s one of the reasons! [laughing] But I just really enjoy riding it so I want to get on it more. And the other one is to skate way more than I have been. I’ve been busy with the little ones and the new shop and everything, but now I really want to skate more. I feel like I lost focus a bit, but I want to get on it again and film a part as well, I’m really keen to film my part.

Really? Who’s that with?
Me and Ciaran O’Connor have been talking about making like an independent video with maybe just four dudes, you know? And I’m really up for filming a part, so…and also I’ve got a lot of trips coming up. I’m going to Shenzhen in China with Vans in March. I just really want to skate! I keep thinking about it and seeing lines and I want to do it all the time. So yeah man!

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