Michael Mackrodt

March 05, 2008 @ 4:30 PM

Michael Mackrodt

We’re just back from the Lakai premiere in Lyon, was there one in Germany?
No, but I wasn’t even following that so much. I didn’t realize the London premiere was last weekend. I was home, chilling…

You were in Berlin?
Yeah, I was in Bordeaux for the weekend, and I just got back in Berlin for my birthday…

Oh, when is it?
That was yesterday!

Well, happy birthday!
Thanks a lot! [Laughter]

So, that makes you…
Ah, I can even drink in the States, now!

Nah, 27! [Laughter] Jet 27! And now my girl just left for Frankfurt. I have never been in Berlin on my own since we moved here, so it should be nice.

How’s the weather these days in Berlin?
Grey, dry and cold. 2 or 3° Celsius. To skate outdoors, it’s getting difficult. Oh, and it going to get dark soon… [I rang Michael around 15h30!] So the days are short, cold and boring!

Any trip coming, to avoid these?
Early December, we’ll go meet up with Pirkka [Pollari] in Barcelona, with Gauthier [Rouger], Lucien [Clarke] and Yves [Marchon] to film for the next Element video, which won’t be out for a while! After that, I’ll get back to Berlin, to head to Munich for Christmas. And then, I’m going on holidays to rest my body, I’m starting to feel tired, now. Especially in winter… Usually, I take a month without skating at all, but not this year, and I can feel it now.

We’re not getting any younger!
No, but I’m lucky I didn’t get hurt or anything, so it’s all good. So, we’re planning a month or two in Vietnam with my girlfriend?

You’re quite familiar with Asia, already, aren’t you?
Yeah, we’ve been to Laos, and last time we went all the way to Cambodia, but monsoon was coming, so we stopped at the border to get back to Thailand where the weather was better. So, we’re going back. I really want to see Vietnam before it booms and change like China. And my girl wants to see the Angkor Vat temple, one of the new world wonders, so we’ll do both in one trip! We don’t have the tickets yet, but I can’t wait!