February 25, 2009 @ 7:10 AM
Just in time for the snow to start melting, the Hospital opens its doors this Friday in Tallinn, Estonia. The Number One skate gang, aka Jan Tomson, Ats Luik, Tanel Tepper, Erki Lastik, Paul Kuimet, Maik Rõngelep, Kris, Kuum and the rest recent;y found out about a disused ware house (which should in fact be in abundance during these trying economic times!), struck a deal with the owner for cheap rent and the organizers of Simpel Session for cheap wood and voila, they now have a skate park. The park is in fact private, but they’re holding an open house opening session this Friday Feb 27th, along with a Mind Field premiere. In true 89’s rave style, there’s a
meeting point round the back of the central station at 19:00, where you get the directions to the venue, in other words the skate park. More photos of the place can be found on the Reede site here. Looking sick!
Support the community effort and show your happy face there this Friday!
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